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Why Closed-Cell Spray Foam Insulation?

  • Closed-cell spray foam works better than any other form of insulation on the market due to its expansive properties. Once sprayed, the foam expands and creates an air-tight seal filling every nook and cranny in your property.

  • Because of its ability to create an air-tight seal, it allows no air to pass in our out of your property. There will be no need to constantly have to run your heating/cooling all throughout the day to maintain a comfortable temperature. Closed-cell spray foam has been shown to provide energy savings at an average of 50% or more.

  • When there are holes or cracks throughout your walls & crawl spaces, it allows space for water and moisture to enter if not sealed properly. Spray foam insulation is impermeable to water. This means that not only does it seal and protect your home from airborne moisture and leaks, but it will also not absorb water as other materials do, should flooding occur.

  • Spray foam insulation is also composed of an inert polymer that provides no food source for mold or bacteria to grow. Homes that are insulated with closed-cell spray foam are better protected against mold & mildew.

  • Closed-cell spray foam insulation has a lifespan of just over 30 years with maximum efficiency. It performs at optimal levels for extended periods of time.

  • Closed-cell spray foam helps reduce your average energy consumption, creating a ‘greener’ household. It protects against moisture and mold growth and is designed to last almost a lifetime while producing fewer consumed materials.

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